Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back with the kids

During the 2007-2008 academic year, I worked for Play Rugby USA introducing flag rugby to kids in New York City Public Schools. This year I got my first assignment at a middle school in Queens. My first foray back into to the gym made me realize that I miss this. In my current program ,I am partnered with a teacher, Ms. G who teaches rugby several days a week when I'm not there. Every other week, I serve as a mentor working with her and the students to learn the game. A goal is to get the kids learning and playing flag rugby so that they can compete against other schools in a championship event in March.

Ms. G introduced the game to the kids on Monday. They were happy to share their knowlegdge with me. Apparently, they saw some inspiring video clips of tackle rugby.

Teaching lateral/backwards passing is one of the most challenging concepts to introduce in the US. It's not a prevalent concept in major American sports. Ms. G is eager to get them passing laterally. So we try a three on three game. The kids shake their heads "yes," they understand they're supposed to pass backwards, then look at me funny when the starting whistle blows. That's Ok. They're energy is infectious. I'm excited about introducing this game I love to a new generation.

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