Wednesday, October 8, 2008

$25 Challenge Days 1-6

To my two loyal readers: I apologize for the delay in publishing the much anticipated news about my $25 for a week food challenge.

Thursday, Day 1: Part of my first day was spent buying food. As I passed by my favorite spot for a black and white, it donned on me that I couldn't spend
frivolously. A buck seventy for a cookie was not in the cards. So four stores and $20.39 later I purchased
apples, grapes, chicken, rice, box of ziti, zucchini, cherry and plum tomatoes, carrots, romaine, flat bread, Prince Polo chocolate hazelnut confection (a little frivolity which I may regret), and yogurt. Now, I'm left with $4.61 to get through next Wednesday. For my first day, I ate pretty well, grilled salmon salad.

Friday, Day 2: Travel day to Boston. Packed my lunch. In an effort to have protein, I created an
awful tofu concoction hopefully never to be replicated again.

Saturday, Day 3: Breakfast at Diner on Y. Following a trip to Shaw's Y bought me a sandwich even though I told her I had food. Lunch with Violet and her boys. I had yummy Korean food at Violet's who shared some Korean recipes as well helpful suggestions for using tofu. Think Miso soup:Easy and tasty.

Sunday Day 4: Breakfast at Violet's. Packed sandwich and snacks for car ride back from Providence. Don't remember what I ate for dinner. Maybe yogurt or was it my leftover tofu concoction?

Monday, Day 5: Did I eat this day? I actually had food, I just didn't make time to prepare anything remotely well balanced. I finished the 2nd prince polo bar at some point. I remember eating peanut butter with honey on flatbread. Fast and easy.

Tuesday, Day 6: Finally cooked a meal, using some of the ingredients I bought last week. I had chicken and rice before sprints. Eating right before practice even if you're short on time is not recommended. Had a crisp gala apple and a zone bar after practice.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your tofu concoction disaster. But I'm also kind of curious what went so wrong -- do tell!

  2. I took made a horrendous tofu concoction the other day. I do not blame us, I blame tofu. I think a higher power is trying to tell us something.

  3. Challenge #1- I tried a new brand of firm tofu. Challenge # 2- it was inappropriately season. In my mind, I was going for tofu coconut curry, except I neglected to add any sort of curry powder. hmmmmm. Challenge #3... Really it all went down hill at #1 and 2.

    When working with Tofu, one should add copious amounts of flavor in properly textured Tofu in the hope it yields appropriately textured and tasty tofu.

    Hootie-there is HOPE!What would your dietician friend AR say?

    Share your secret to working with tofu?

  4. its pretty good if you bake it, or scrambled with vegetables and stuff, like you would eggs - and seasoned well, its good in just about everything... you just can't expect it to have any texture except tofu texture!

  5. I have a new blog could I not follow the adventures of the Pink Cape?! Does its stand-in, the String of Used Athletic Tape, get to come too?

    And this $25 challenge sounds intriguing...but I think I will avoid your tofu concoction :)
